Beginner lessons
Video Feedback Credit
$24.90Send us a File (mp3, video) and get a professional and private video reply to your question.
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Loops for improvisation in all 12 keys
$19.90230 loops is the ultimate play along workout to practice improvisation on various types of chords and chord progressions.
Ideal to work on scales, arppegios and improvisation skills.
This video uses 4 loops from this product -
Harmonica School: Level 1 Lesson 1 -...
$24.90Harmonica School: Level 1 Lesson 1 - Unlimited streaming access + Files. 85 mn video tutorial for Beginners.
Harmonica School: Level 1 Lesson 2 -...
$19.90Harmonica School: Level 1 Lesson 2 - Unlimited 38mn video lesson unlimited access -
Bending Part 1 - Unlimited access
$14.90Bending Part 1 - Unlimited access
Learn how to bend notes on your harmonica like a Pro. -
Bending Part 2 - Unlimited
$14.90Harmonica bends part 2 - Unlimited access
25mn video about bending: We move on into more bends on hole 1, 4 and 6 with more practice and exercises.
Harmo Pocket Tool - FREE Video
$0.00A short free introduction video to the Harmo Pocket tool the perfect tool to repair, service and maintain your harmonicas.